Election Time Is Here!  It's Time to VOLUNTEER!
  Yes, it's that time again, time to raise your hand to accept a nomination or to nominate someone you know that would be qualified to lead our club into the 2025-2026 year.
  We've been around for over 75 years and, with your help, we plan to continue our skiing, sports/social activities and camaraderie into the future. If you have leadership skills, some computer skills, are able to travel and meet twice a month for 12 months please raise your hand. Those meetings are mostly virtual/online at this time. All it takes is dedication and some time and you can help lead this club.

  Beginning January 15, 2025, and continuing through February 18, 2025, the election committee that has been appointed by the current board of directors of our club, will be accepting nominations for officers for the 2025-26 board of directors of our club. You as a member can nominate another eligible member of your choice [or even yourself!] to be on the ballot via two processes as follows.

    First, the nominations meetings are scheduled to handle this process in person with details found on the “Events” page of the club website. Second, the election committee will send three emails as an option to handle nominations electronically. These emails will be approximately two weeks apart sent to all current members asking you to reply to that email with your nominations. When the nomination is received by the committee, they will verify yours and the nominee’s membership status. Each nomination will require a 2nd motion from another member to be valid. Also, the nominee should be willing to accept your nomination [and put forth the associated work of being a board member], so we’d like it if you’d contact the person you think should be on the board and make sure he/she is willing to accept your nomination. Otherwise, when the committee contacts them, and they refuse to accept, that nomination will be null and void. Also, if the nominator can secure another member to second the nomination, that should be stated in the nomination reply. If not, the committee will send an email asking for a second to the motion.

     Also attached to that email will be a description of the offices of the board of directors, the responsibilities of each office and the rules to be followed to for the election. A general review of the process and each office is also in Towline.

 There are some stringent requirements to hold office in our club and are as follows:

    ♦  To be a board member you must have been a member of the club for two years, concurrently or in total.

    ♦  To be the president and/or Vice President you need to be presently on the board or a club member for a minimum of two years.

    ♦   The president and vice president should be Ford Employees. When no Ford employee comes forward for either one or both positions, then other members can be nominated and be elected (with some order involved).


Click box below and then scroll down to review club Election Details, Guidelines

and paper nomination form [if needed]

Nominations will be accepted at the January 15th, February 5th and the February 19th meetings. See details by clicking HERE